Bullimbal School uses a balanced literacy approach to literacy teaching in all classrooms, based on information outlined in “Research-Based Practices for Creating Access to the General Curriculum in Reading and Literacy for Students with Significant Intellectual Disabilities” Erickson, Hanser, Hatch and Sanders (2009).
We understand that shared reading is an important part of any emergent literacy program. It allows adults to model vocabulary and language, relating to both the book and to the individual’s life. It is a great activity for teaching an individual how to interact around books and about the structure and rules of conversation. It is also a very enjoyable experience. Shared reading is appropriate for any emergent reader, no matter their age and can be done individually or in small groups.
We also understand that shared reading is an ideal opportunity for teaching individuals about books and how they work, and for demonstrating concepts about print. It helps students to understand the function of some of the literacy skills that they will need to develop later as they move along their literacy journey. Repeated readings of books during shared reading works to build these print concepts, as well as building vocabulary, language and interaction skills.