Bullimbal School

Independence Achievement Excellence

Telephone02 6762 8003



Bullimbal School uses a balanced approach to literacy teaching in all classrooms.  At Bullimbal School there are a mix of students who are emergent or conventional literacy learners.

There are also a group of students who have consolidated their emergent literacy understandings but who are not yet reading with comprehension and writing independently.  They require conventional literacy instruction but their skills are at a transitional level.

For these students we use a transitional literacy assessment which covers their developing skills, leading to conventional literacy.

These are:

  • Letter sound knowledge
  • Concept of word
  • Recognition of high frequency words
  • Recognition of simple decodable words
  • Phonological and phoneme awareness
  • Comprehension of simple print supported by illustrations
  • Writing

The transitional literacy assessment at Bullimbal School collects data in each of these areas to measure student progress. 

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